I apologise in advance as this will be a small detour from the normal sewingy related posts. So feel free not to read any further.
The past couple of weeks have flown past in a blur. I've been extremely busy (for me) with the following:
* preparing for visitors,
* dealing with said visitors who were very hard work,
* making a flying 100 mile round trip to Edinburgh to look at sewing machines which saw me come home with a lovely new Janome Horizon 7700, still to be named.
* Joining a new quilt group and meeting some fantastic online friends IRL
* changing hours at work
* prepping for more visitors
* having a girly night out and possibly one too many sherbet lemonades (ahem)
* packing for our holiday up north, including meal planning and food shopping,
* being away on holiday,
* seeing to all the post holiday laundry and unpacking,
* shopping for a christening present,
* attending a christening in Edinburgh.
So today as I write this I'm still in my pj's having not got up til half 9. I have caught up on over 300 blog posts (i might not have read them all), done some very boring housework chores and made some soup.
This afternoon I'm looking fwd to getting back to some serious sewing with my new machine :-)